Life is not in a hurry but must be fast | In the Javanese concept, it is called "Alon-alon Asal Kelakon" - 7-Lifestyle

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Life is not in a hurry but must be fast | In the Javanese concept, it is called "Alon-alon Asal Kelakon"

Life is not in a hurry but must be fast | In the Javanese concept, it is called "Alon-alon Asal Kelakon"
Kampoeng Dreamland (7-LifestyleEconomical Shopping - Life is not in a hurry but must be fast, In the Javanese concept, it is called "Alon-alon Asal Kelakon"

Life is a choice, choose your way of life with a clean heart.

Once you choose with determination, stick with it.

So that you are not affected by a temporary trend, which makes you want to change direction, to an ongoing trend. And when you start that new direction, it turns out that the path, which previously seemed loose, suddenly becomes solid.

And when you realize that you want to return to your first choice, it seems that it seems to be congested, that's where you seem to be in a hurry. Meanwhile, if you are consistent with your resolve, then you can run it quickly.

The biggest distraction for people is seeing a new gap that seems easier, compared to what they are currently working on, even though they don't know for sure whether they are qualified for this new gap.

This is the meaning of "Alon-alon Asal Kelakon", a very high Javanese philosophy. The latter has been imitated by many developed nations, but they do not admit it. They say EQ.

Photo: Special

Bahasa Indonesia
Hidup tidak terburu-buru tapi harus cepat | Dalam konsep Jawa disebut "Alon-alon Asal Kelakon"
Hidup jangan terburu-buru tapi harus cepat

Hidup itu pilihan, pilihlah jalan hidupmu dengan hati yang bersih.

Sekali Anda memilih dengan ketetapan hati, konsistenlah di jalur tersebut.

Sehingga tidak terpengaruh oleh trend yang hanya sementara, yang membuat Anda ingin mengubah haluan, ke trend yang sedang berlangsung. Dan saat Anda memulai haluan baru tersebu, ternyata jalur tersebut, yang tadinya terlihat lenggang, seketika menjadi padat.

Dan saat Anda sadar ingin kembali pada pilihan Anda pertama, ternyata terlihat mulai memadat, disitulah Anda tampak terburu-buru. Sementara jika Anda konsisten dengan ketetapan hati Anda, maka bisa menjalankannya dengan cepat.

Gangguan terbesar bagi orang adalah, melihat celah baru yang tampaknya lebih mudah, dibandingkan dengan yang sedang ia tekuni, padahal belum tahu secara pasti kemampuannya untuk celah baru tersebut, mumpuni atau tidak.

Ini adalah makna dari "Alon-alon Asal Kelakon", sebuah Filosofi Jawa yang sangat tinggi. Yang belakangan banyak ditiru Bangsa-bangsa Maju, tapi mereka tidak mengakuinya. Mereka bilang EQ.

Foto : Istimewa