Tuesday - Fixed Performance - 7-Lifestyle

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Tuesday - Fixed Performance

Kampoeng Dreamland (7-LifestyleEconomical Shopping - Tuesday - Fixed Performance

Once through Monday, which is usually busy with bills and payments.

Now is the time to improve our performance, so that the company where we work, or by chance our own company, can continue to progress.

If a business is progressing, it is certain that the company will receive additional profits, which in the end, we will also enjoy it.

Photo: Special

Bahasa Indonesia
Selasa - Memperbaiki Kinerja

Setelah melalui hari Senin, yang biasanya disibukan dengan tagihan dan pembayaran.

Kini saatnya memperbaiki kinerja kita, agar perusahaan dimana kita bekerja, atau kebetulan perusahaan kita sendiri, dapat terus mengalami kemajuan.

Jika sebuah usaha mengalami kemajuan, dapat dipastikan perusahaan tersebut mendapat tambahan keuntungan, yang pada akhirnya, kita-kita juga yang akan menikmatinya.

Foto : Istimewa