Es Teler means Drunk Ice - 7-Lifestyle

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Es Teler means Drunk Ice

Kampoeng Dreamland (7-LifestyleEconomical Shopping - Es Teler is known, or became famous in the 1979s.

Starting from an Avocado Ice seller, who hung around the area between Cikini and Cikditiro Streets.

I don't know where the idea for the Avocado Ice Seller came from, to add Avocado Ice to his wares with various types of jelly and coconut shavings, as well as sliced Jackfruit.

Suddenly, his Es Avocado became a topic of conversation among teenagers, so that his Es Avocado was well known throughout the city of Jakarta, and in the end, it became known throughout Indonesia.

Coincidentally, at that time I was still in high school not far from the location of the trader, and when I came home from school, many high school students from various areas of Jakarta came to buy it.

It was so delicious, the customers agreed to dub the Es Avocado into "Es Teler".

"Teler" is not in the Indonesian dictionary. But at that time, among teenagers, the Teler vocabulary became synonymous with the Drunken vocabulary.

If you want a recipe for Es Teler, as well as other Indonesian drink recipes, please visit the "Blog of Es Teler"

More Ice:

Photo: Special

Bahasa Indonesia
Es Teler dikenal, atau mulai terkenal pada tahun 1979-an.

Bermula dari seorang pedagang Es Alpukat, yang mangkal di seputaran antara Cikini dan Jalan Cikditiro.

Entah darimana ide sang Penjual Es Alpukat tersebut, untuk menambahkan Es Alpukat dagangannya dengan berbagai jenis jeli dan serutan kelapa, serta irisan buah Nangka.

Tiba-tiba saja Es Alpukat buatannya menjadi buah bibir, di kalangan remaja, sehingga Es Alpukat buatannya sangat dikenal di seluruh kota Jakarta, dan pada akhirnya dikenal di seluruh Indonesia.

Kebetulan saat itu saya masih duduk di bangku SMA yang tidak jauh dari lokasi Pedagang tersebut, dan saat pulang sekolah banyak sekali siswa SMA dari berbagai wilayah Jakarta yang datang untuk membelinya.

Sangking enaknya, para pelanggan sepakat menjuluki Es Alpukat tersebut menjadi "Es Teler".

"Teler" memang tidak ada dalam kamus Bahasa Indonesia. Tapi saat itu di kalangan remaja, kosa kata Teler menjadi sinonim dengan kosa kata Mabuk.

Jika Anda ingin resep membuat Es Teler, serta resep-resep Minuman Indonesia lainnya, silahkan kunjungi  "Blog dari Es Teler"

Foto : Istimewa