Knowledge - Make You Wise - 7-Lifestyle

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Knowledge - Make You Wise

Kampoeng Dreamland (7-Lifestyle) - Knowledge Make You Wise

Humans with limited knowledge will always have difficulty dealing with problems and changing times.

Especially in today's times

Where humans must be able to survive in the face of changes that are so fast.

Until there is a statement that has just appeared in the last 20 years, in which forward-thinking people have the principle, that "Change is Eternal".

So if we want to survive in any competition, we must be able to be superior in terms of knowledge/skills in the field that we are engaged in.

In order for us to be sensitive in seeing, observing, and studying change, we must also understand history.

Without knowing history, we cannot analyze whether an ongoing change is moving in the right direction, or is headed for destruction.

Understanding history means we have prepared our mindset in a positive direction.

Photo: Special

Bahasa Indonesia
Ilmu Membuatmu Bijaksana

Manusia yang pengetahuannya sempit, akan selalu kesulitan dalam menghadapi masalah.

Apalagi di masa sekarang ini

Dimana Manusia harus dapat bertahan hidup dalam menghadapi perubahan-perubahan yang begitu cepat.

Hingga ada pernyataan yang baru muncul 20 tahun terakhir ini, dimana orang-orang yang berfikiran maju berprinsip, bahwa "Perubahan itu Kekal Adanya".

Sehingga kalau kita mau bertahan dalam persaingan apapun, kita harus mampu lebih unggul secara pengetahuan / skill di bidang yang kita tekuni.

Foto : Istimewa